I think passion for anything external is bound to fade, as anything that exists can cease to exist. The only thing that will always be there is ourselves- and thus we must learn to cultivate a love of oneself. There's this Japanese term "mono no aware", which to me means "accept the transience of things- appreciate them while they're there, while at the same time knowing that they will be gone one day". Alison Zai summarizes this concept beautifully in a two-panel comic here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnjfgb9hnQ2/?igshid=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==

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ahhh, that's an interesting tie-in to "mono no aware." love it.

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Love this reflection on passion! I think passion, were it able to naturally be sustained in a relationship, would be all consuming and lead to an imbalanced life. As you wrote, there are so many other ways we can discover and feel passion that isn't sexual or romantic. And through our partnership we can make room for and deepen these passions as well.

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yes, exactly! trying to embrace an expanded definition of passion. you crystallized it beautifully.

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I feel this so strongly!! Would love to write a piece on this as well

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